by Andy Jack | Jan 18, 2022 | announcements, Cohort Manager, cohort-based courses, LearnDash
If you’re a regular reader of the Training Spark blog, you’ll have noticed that we’re big fans of cohort-based courses. This powerful online course format mixes live video calls with on-demand online learning materials to create a high-impact training experience. Yet...
by Andy Jack | Dec 20, 2021 | Cohort Manager, cohort-based courses, cohort-based learning, LearnDash
One of the biggest challenges with online learning can be motivating your learners – to enrol, progress and complete. Often life can get in the way, particularly when a course is self-paced and there are so many things competing for their attention. Ironically...
by Mark Langdale | Oct 5, 2021 | LearnDash
The “LearnDash LMS Tips & Tricks” Facebook forum is a brilliant place to go if you have any questions or issues related to LearnDash. We recently spotted an issue from a LearnDash user whose website broke whenever they activated LearnDash: Whenever they activated...
by Mark Langdale | Sep 14, 2021 | accessibility, LearnDash
If you deliver online training, it’s crucial to ensure there are no accessibility barriers that might prevent learners with disabilities from experiencing your online courses. If you sell your courses into organisations that have certain accreditation marks (such as...
by Mark Langdale | Sep 7, 2021 | LearnDash, LMS, Moodle
A member of the LearnDash LMS Tips & Tricks Facebook group recently asked people to name something that LearnDash does that makes you glad you opted for the plugin. There were some responses you’d expect – like eCommerce functionality, its low cost and how...
by Mark Langdale | Sep 2, 2021 | LearnDash, New LearnDash Features
LearnDash 3.5 was released at the start of September 2021 and one if its new features is the ability to save learner quiz progress. Historically, a learner would have been expected to complete a LearnDash quiz in a single sitting. The new version of LearnDash provides...