Using H5P to make your online courses interactive

Written by Andy Jack

9 August 2021

At Training Spark we’re big fans of WordPress and LearnDash. The combination of these allows us to create powerful online learning platforms for training providers around the world (especially when we add the Business-to-Business Toolkit too!)

But that’s just the technology. On top of this, you need to add engaging online courses to bring your training to life and make an impact on your learners.

We use the fantastic H5P to do this. H5P is a free and open-source content creation tool that can be added to WordPress as a plugin. With H5P, authors can create and edit interactive videos, presentations, games and snippets of content – all of which can help bring make your training more engaging.

Don’t believe us? Here are some examples of H5P content we’ve created ourselves.


Interactive video




Personality Quiz


Image Hotspots


You can also check out other examples on the H5P website

As a word of caution, it’s important to use this tool with some restraint in your online courses. It can be tempting to add loads of H5P elements to your online training, but this may not make for an enjoyable – or useful – experience for the learner. Try to create a good balance between interactive content and ‘space to breathe’ and reflect on what is being taught.

It’s also key to choose an appropriate interaction for what you are trying to teach. For example, if someone needs to learn a specific process (how to use a machine), then image sequencing would be a suitable interaction, but a crossword may not be.

Over to you now – go ahead and give it a try!


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