Coming Soon – the AI eLearning Powerpack

Written by Andy Jack

9 May 2024

Keen to enhance your online courses with AI, but unsure what to do, or even where to start?

In June 2024 we’ll be launching our newest WordPress plugin – the AI eLearning Powerpack. Designed to enhance any online course with cutting-edge Generative AI features, you’ll be able to add AI in just a few clicks.

The plugin will give you powerful capabilities to add add AI-conversationsAI–enhanced reflections and AI Virtual Instructors to elevate your course experience, boost your impact and ensure your course stands out from the crowd.

AI-Powered Conversations

Ever wanted to give your students the opportunity to practice their new knowledge and skills through online conversations, but didn’t know how?

With the AI Learning Powerpack, you can create powerful role-play scenarios such as virtual job interviews and business pitches, using AI-generated avatars which you control.

Your learners can practice and hone their skills in a virtual environment, before they unleash them on the world. Learners will also receive detailed feedback – aligned with conversational objectives – to help them understand how well they’ve done and where they can continue to improve.

AI-Enhanced Reflections

Asking learners to think about their current situations and how they can apply what they’ve learned in your eLearning is a powerful educational tool.

The AI-Enhanced Reflections feature prompts learners with intelligent suggestions based on their progress to kickstart their thinking and personalize their learning experience.

This tool is excellent for anyone looking to enhance student engagement and foster an environment of active, reflective learning.

AI Virtual Instructors

Want to support all of your learners, but simply don’t have the capacity or time?

With the AI Virtual Instructors , students can ask questions to a virtual version of you, and this provides answers from your point of view, without you being there!

Using your own content, you’ll create an AI version of yourself that ensures the responses and specific, relevant and in line with the key themes of your course. No more generic AI responses!

Launching in June 2024, the AI eLearning Powerpack will be available for waitlist subscribers only. So if you want to be at the front of the queue to add AI features to your online courses, then sign up here.


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