Business-to-business toolkit – Version 1.1 out now!

Written by Andy Jack

20 September 2021

We’re excited to announce the release of version 1.1 of the Business-to-Business toolkit for LearnDash.

When you update to this version you’ll get a few great new features to really enhance the delivery of your training into organisations. Some of the new features in this release are:

Custom CSS for organisations

The Business-to-business toolkit has always had the option to show an organisation’s logo to its learners. We’ve taken this a step further and added the option to include custom CSS specific to each of the organisations you set up. With this, you can customise lots more of your WordPress theme for organisations and really tailor it to the organisation’s brand:

Redirect learners upon registration

The plugin allows you to set up registration forms, with custom access codes. In the past, whenever someone registered via these forms they would be redirected back to your LMS homepage but we’ve added a way for you to redirect them to any page on or off your website.

Client dashboard enhancements

The client dashboard allows administrators and group leaders to monitor the progress of learners. We’ve added some new features to streamline this process, including the option to search for learners by their email address:

Check out our video for more details about the new features:

The new release is available via your WordPress dashboard, so make sure you update to get these great new features.

Some of these new features were requested by customers, and we’re always listening to your feedback. If you have any feature requests do let us know.


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